‘Lima has a population of 8 million, the city extends for over 60 kilometres in both directions and up into low lying hills. It almost never rains so one seems to be always covered by layers of dust. If it did rain most poor people who inhabit the hills in makeshift dwellings would be washed away. There is little green except in the rich suburbs of Miraflores where people can afford to water their gardens. People living on the hills have to pay and collect their drinking water. Near the Little Sister’s house where I stayed I saw tankers fill big containers and then families decanting into small utensils to be carried up the hill to their makeshift homes.’
‘The Sisters have been working with the disabled for many years. It is estimated that one in every 10 families in Peru has a disabled person in their household. It is difficult for them to attend school, one recent statistic showed that only 17% get an education with little prospects of employment.’
‘Mobility is a serious problem for the disabled especially for the poor. Many of them are in wheelchairs and it is difficult for them to negotiate the terrain, especially those living on the hillsides. Often there are no paths. There is no access for wheelchairs on most public transport and taxis are too expensive. Even if they overcome the mobility question to get to school there are no proper facilities. For instance one young girl in a wheelchair told the meeting that she had been instructed not to return to school as they had no one to bring her to the toilet. This is not uncommon as another woman in the group had the same experience some years ago. As an organised group the Frater were going to demand that the school re-admit the girl.’
‘Mobility also impacts on other aspects of their lives. They live each day trapped in a small space totally dependent on their family who are already struggling to survive. Is it any wonder that they might suffer from feelings of low self esteem, isolation and depression.’
‘The Frater organization is their lifeline and organises a programme of workshops to address issues of low self esteem, injustices and income generation.’
Pal has been happy to support their work for the past five years.